It may sound a bit strange to Danish ears that you need a recipe for rice, but when you use rice of very high quality, it's also important for the taste experience that they're cooked correctly. We cook rice in a rice cooker we have brought from Japan, but probably very few people here have one of those. So here's the recipe for cooking rice in a pot. For most of our recipes this is what you need per person:
150 gr of rice
200 ml of water
First, wash the rice carefully. Put them in a bowl or wash them in the pot. The first filling of water is just to be mixed in quickly and then drained. Now rub the wet rice against each other with the palm of your hand in the bowl/pot, about 20-30 times, and then rinse again. The water is still milky white:
Keep filling in and draining water until the water is clear:
Drain again and just add the amount of water you need according to the recipe.
Put a lid on the pot and let it stay on until they're fully cooked:
Bring the pot to a boil at high heat, reduce to low heat and let it boil for 12 minutes. Turn the heat up on high again for the last 5 seconds, and then turn it off. Leave the pot for 12 minutes, then remove the lid and stir the rice well:
Put the lid back on until serving. The best result by far is when the rice is cooked just before serving.